Will you be the one who recieves the 2021 years Pink Ribbon Track?
11 novembro 2021

The draw for this year's Pink Ribbon Track, in favor of cancer research, will take place during the Annual General Meeting of forest contractors.
In total, this year we collected 201 000 SEK through the Breast Cancer Association, which is absolutely fantastic!
Friday November 12th, between 09:30-10:00, 11 of the 34 contributions of SEK 5 000 or more will be in the draw, where one person will receive the pink forest machine track. The track has has been donated from Olofsfors AB to the Breast Cancer Association in Sweden. They, in turn, pass on the track.
Another ten draws will be made, in addition to the one who receives the track. They will have a special invitation to Olofsfors factory with an overnight stay, factory show, educational tour, good food and new acquaintances.
"The lucky one" will be called during the event, so be prepared even if you cannot watch the draw itself!
In retrospect, we will display parts of the broadcast on our website as well as on our socials, so keep an eye out!
All the names that we will draw, will be announced in person as well as posted on our website.”

In the picture you can see the recipients from the 2020 fundraiser.
From the left;
Ronnie at Rooth Skogsvård AB, Aron and Sven Westerberg at Österby Gallring AB, Roger Rooth at Rooth Skogsvård AB, Jörgen Westerlund at RW Skogsmaskiner AB, Per Johansson and Fredrik Gustafsson at Sonö Jord & Skog AB.
Olofsfors AB - Escritório principal
Telefone: +46 (0) 930-396 00
E-mail: info@olofsfors.se
Endereço: Olofsfors AB - Escritório principal
Olofsfors 11
SE-914 91 Nordmaling, SE